Jul 1, 2012

2012 Garden

The garden is coming along nicely this year. My tomatoes are absolutely loving the chicken manure that I've been overly generous with, and my basil is already a foot high. I had a volunteer mammoth dill pop up that is now taller than me! It's been super hot here lately, over 100° the past couple days. My fig tree is not looking so great - even with watering it everyday, it really dislikes this heat.  

Mammoth Dill
Sad Fig
I doubled the size of the garden this year. I'll probably need to buy 20 bags of mulch next year so my vegetable plants flourish instead of my weeds. 

Taken a couple weeks ago after the expansion
Two of the three rhubarb roots that I planted came up and are huge. I won't be able to harvest any stalks this year and only a few next year, but it's off to a good start.

This year I planted over 10 tomato plants... yes, yes I know excessive, but I would really like to put my new dehydrator to good use! I'm also determined to get the hang of making spaghetti sauce. Last year I spent hours and hours boiling tomatoes and spooning out water... what was the result?? Salsa!

The first signs of the tomato flood to come